Theater Resume
School of Theater
Tatiana Ordonez
Theater Design
Personal Information: My name is Tatiana Ordonez and I was born the 10th of July of the year 1992, in the city of Bogota, Colombia. I am 5.3 feet high and my weight is approximately 55 kilograms. I have olive –tanned skin. My eyes are dark and I have wavy brown hair. Artistic Skills: I am very talented at drawing, painting, sculpting and at many handcraft activities. I enjoy mostly painting and life drawing. I have the skill of creating innovative ideas for any art and design area. |
Everything Started…
I have been on the art and design world since my childhood, and my passion for art lead me to great opportunities of learning from very good schools and programs.
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB)
The English School is a bilingual IB School in Colombia that prepares students for further international education. I chose Visual Arts at Higher Level during the program. During the two years I had the opportunity to develop technical, reasoning, analytical and artistic skills through the entire project. I end up making more than 30 art pieces, including 3D objects, drawing, painting and sculpting works. I was able to make a theoretic portfolio about my entire project, approaches to final pieces, first drafts, ideas and developments.
For my extended essay I also chose to work with art. I had to make my personal research for a topic of my choice and write a 4000 words experimental and analytical essay. I chose to work with the technical development of the jewelry industry. I worked at a real jewelry company, and learned to make my own ring with different techniques. This project lasted about 6 months where I learned about the art industry and had a personal experience working with jewelers.
The IB two years program helped me develop crucial artistic skills not only involving technical abilities, but also taught me how the development of ideas is critical for a final artwork.
IB Awards:
At my senior graduation I was given an IB award recognizing the outstanding achievement in Art Higher Level.
I was also given a general award recognizing me as one of the students with the highest scores of the IB Diploma Program at may 2010.
Ringling College of Art and Design Precollege Perspective
During 10th grade I had the opportunity to course a summer precollege program at art and design College in Sarasota, Florida. This program lasted 4 weeks with intensive university level teachings. I had to pick between several areas of study that guided me towards my preference choice for a further education.
I developed drawing skills through illustration, and life drawing.
Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts (CSVPA)
Art and Design Foundation Diploma
After I graduated from my senior year at high school I was not sure about what area of study of art and design I should specialize in. I have always had a talent for drawing, painting and handcraft activities such as sculpting and molding, but somehow I didn’t feel any of those were my future careers. I decided to enter to a Art Foundation program in Cambridge, England, that offered me the opportunity of experimenting with each area of art and design. This way I was able to my career path.
I chose to work with fashion, photography and theater design in my rotation term. This term was design to choose three of the ten areas of study they offered, so during a month the student had the opportunity to develop a project that would give him an introduction of how a future degree on that subject will look like. It wasn’t until my theater rotation month, that I found what my future degree would be.
Theater Design Project:
I had set, costume and make up design classes for a month. I had to combine the three of the theater design courses to end up with a final proposal for a theatrical piece. The project meant to create an innovative version for a fairy tale. I chose to work with the original book of Pinocchio written by Carlo Collodi. I had to design a costume for two characters, build up a set model for a scene, and create a prosthetic mask for one of the characters.
Costume Design: I learned how to use visual research to develop creative designs for the costumes. Looking at historical research, I was able to link my models to the specific timing and place of the story.
Set Design: I learned how to build up a 1:25 set model for one of the scenes. Using specific materials, I was able to recreate an original set for one of the books’ most famous scenes.
Make-up Design: I was taught how to make a prosthetic mask out of foam and other materials. It was a long process that required patience and following instructions. I end up having a successful mask for one of my characters (Pinocchio). I also learned how to use make-up tools to decorate, paste my mask and paint my model’s face in order to have a final new design mask.
… It doesn’t end here!
Currently… I am completing my art and design foundation diploma in Cambridge. During the next six months I will be able to specialize on my chosen area (Theater Design). Moreover, I will have the opportunity to learn further about costume, set and make-up design in order to be totally prepared to face a university degree on theater design.